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In a significant development in the realm of consumer protection, the Hon’ble National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) in the matter of Manoj Madhusudhanan v. ICICI Bank Ltd (2023 SCC Online NCDRC 323) recently delivered a ruling in a case that has far-reaching implications for banks and consumers alike. Background: Manoj Madhusudhanan, the complainant had applied for a housing loan with ICICI Bank Limited and entrusted the bank with the original title documents of a property as collateral. The documents were intended to be transferred to the bank's central facility via a courier service, Blue Dart Express. However, during transit, the documents went missing, sparking a legal battle that raised several critical issues. Issues: The case raised a series of complex issues, ranging from liability and compensation to the extent of financial loss suffered by the complainant. The key issues are elaborated hereunder: Whether it was ICICI Bank or the courier service i.e., Blue Dart Express, who was responsible for the safekeeping of these crucial documents? Whether the loss of these documents constituted a "deficiency in service" on the part of ICICI Bank, affecting his clear title to the property, and potentially diminishing its value should he decide to sell it or use it as collateral in the future? Whether the NCDRC has jurisdiction to deal with the present case and what is the appropriate compensation to be awarded to the complainant for his losses and mental agony? Held: The NCDRC rendered a decisive verdict on these issues. The NCDRC ruled that ICICI Bank was primarily responsible for the custody and security of the original title documents of the property. It emphasized that the deficiency in service was evident and that the complainant's claim for compensation was legitimate. The NCDRC acknowledged the complainant's argument that the loss of the original documents had compromised his legal title to the property. It was determined that this fact warranted compensation and indemnification against any future losses he might incur. While the complainant had initially sought Rs 5 crore in compensation, the NCDRC disagreed with this amount, and after factoring in the compensation previously awarded by the banking ombudsman, directed ICICI Bank to pay Rs 25 lakh as compensation. Additionally, ICICI Bank was instructed to issue an indemnity bond and cover litigation costs of Rs 50,000. This landmark ruling has significant implications for both financial institutions and consumers. Here are some key takeaways and comments regarding the case. The ruling underscores the importance of consumer protection in financial transactions. It establishes that banks have a duty to safeguard the original documents entrusted to them by customers and should be held accountable for any loss. The case provides much-needed legal clarity regarding the liability of banks when entrusted with important documents. The ruling's emphasis on "deficiency in service" as a valid ground for compensation sets a strong precedent. It reaffirms the rights of consumers in financial transactions, especially in cases involving the loss or mishandling of important documents. Consumers can pursue remedies beyond the banking ombudsman's decisions, as indicated in the ruling. The case highlights the importance of jurisdictional questions in consumer protection cases. It clarifies that the NCDRC's jurisdiction is based on the value of goods or services and compensation claimed, rather than the total value of the property itself. MHCO Comment: In conclusion, the NCDRC's ruling in the ICICI Bank case serves as a landmark decision that upholds consumer rights and places the onus on banks to ensure the safety of documents entrusted to them. This ruling carries significant implications for the banking industry, customer relations, and the broader realm of consumer protection in India. It reaffirms the importance of legal safeguards in financial transactions and underscores the need for accountability and compensation in cases of service deficiency. Authors: Purvi Asher - Partner | Bhushan Shah - Partner | Shreya Dalal - Associate Partner | Daksha Kasekar - Associate
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The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) on 27 October 2023 notified an amendment to the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Second Amendment Rules, 2023 (Amendment Rules 2023), which affects all companies, but majorly the private companies. The Amendment Rules 2023 introduces two significant changes: (i) concerning the bearer of share warrants under the erstwhile Companies Act, 1956, and (ii) mandatory dematerialisation of securities for all private companies excluding small companies. The Amendment Rules 2023 mark a significant milestone in India's corporate regulatory landscape. These rules introduce crucial changes aimed at enhancing transparency, efficiency, and accountability in the issuance and management of securities for both public and private companies. Rule 9 Amendment for Public Companies: Enhancing Share Warrants The Amendment Rules 2023 focuses on public companies that had previously issued share warrants under the erstwhile Companies Act, 1956. Here are the key provisions: Within 3 months of the Amendment Rules 2023's implementation, public companies must inform the Registrar about the details of these share warrants in Form PAS-7; Within 6 months, these public companies must request share warrant holders to surrender them for dematerialization. For this, the company has to place a notice for the bearers of share warrants in Form PAS-8 on their website. The company also has to publish the notice in a newspaper in the vernacular language which is in circulation in the district and in an English Newspaper widely circulated in the state in which the company’s registered office is situated. Non-compliance results in conversion and transfer to the Investor Education and Protection Fund established under Section 125 of the Companies Act, 2013. Rule 9B: Private Companies’ Mandatory Dematerialization Rule 9B, a new addition, significantly impacts private companies that do not qualify as small companies: The rules apply to private companies, excluding small companies, and extend to various categories, including foreign subsidiaries, domestic subsidiaries, Section 8 companies (non-profit companies), domestic holding companies, and companies governed by special acts. The Private companies not qualifying as small companies, according to their audited financial statements for the financial year ending after 31 March 2023, must comply within 18 months of that financial year's closure (i.e., by 30 September 2024). The private companies subject to these rules must ensure the dematerialization of securities held by promoters, directors, and Key Managerial Personnel before any securities-related transactions i.e., buyback, issue of bonus shares, and/or rights offer. It's important to note that government companies are exempt from these Amendment Rules 2023. It is important to note that a small company is a company that is not a public company and has a paid-up share capital equal to or below Rs 4 crore or such a higher amount specified not exceedingly more than Rs.10 crores. MHCO Comment: The Amendment Rules 2023 signify a pivotal development in India's corporate regulatory landscape. They seek to promote transparency, efficiency, and accountability in the issuance and management of securities. Timely compliance with the specified timelines and requirements is essential for companies to effectively adapt to these changes, avoid penalties, and secure their operations in the evolving regulatory environment. Historically, private companies often saw shares registered under untraceable or unidentified names, which raised concerns about black money. With the mandatory dematerialization of shares, the government aims to address this issue. Authors: Bhushan Shah - Partner | Shreya Dalal - Associate Partner | Daksha Kasekar - Associate
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The Division Bench of Hon’ble Bombay High Court, in the case of Najma Aslam Merchant versus The State of Maharashtra held that there is no concept of a flat-wise Occupancy Certificate (“OC”). OCs are issued to the part or whole of a built structure i.e., either a whole building or up to a specified floor. Brief Facts: The Petitioner herein had filed a Writ Petition before the Bombay High Court to facilitate the redevelopment of building known as Quettawala Residency wherein she owned two flats on the 7th floor. After filing the Writ Petition the parties agreed to settle their dispute by entering into Consent Terms on 16 March 2023. As per the Consent Terms, the Respondent Nos. 7 to 10 were required to apply for the OC in connection with the new building by 20 June 2023 and in the event the Respondent Nos. 7 to 10 failed to obtain the OC they would be liable for payment to Petitioner. Since, the OC was not received by 20 June 2023, the Petitioner filed a Contempt Petition before the Hon’ble Bombay High Court alleging disobedience of an order of the High Court. Contention of the Parties: The Petitioners contented that the Respondent Nos. 7 to 10 failed to obtain the OC by 20 June 2023. On failure of the Respondent Nos. 7 to 10 to obtain OC, no amount received by the Petitioner. The Respondents Nos. 7 to 10 argued that the there is no liability to pay because an OC for two flats and only two flats was obtained on 22 June 2023. Held: The Division Bench of Bombay High Court rejected the submission made by the Respondents Nos. 7 to 10 holding that there is no concept of a flat-wise OC. OCs are issued for either part or whole of the build structure i.e., either a whole building or up to a specified floor. The Court further held that it would inconceivable that there could be water supply to two flats on the 7th floor but not to other flats on that floor nor to any of the flats above or below the 7th floor. The Division Bench held that the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (“MCGM”) must not be misled by any individual into granting certificates contrary to the law. The Court further held that it is always open to any officer of the MCGM to refuse to grant any such OC which is obtained for a particular floor. The Court further held that it is not open to the developer to go to MCGM citing the consent terms and the order of the High Court and demand issuance of the OC in a manner not contemplated by law. The Court concluded that the concept of a part OC or an OC applied to the building and not to individual tenements in the building. MHCO Comment: The division bench has made an important decision by explaining that a part Occupancy Certificate (OC) cannot be given for individual tenements. They specifically directed the municipal authorities not to approve requests for OCs that apply only to a specific floor. This decision is a positive move to protect individuals who have faced difficulties with developers. This order is a welcome step to ensure that individuals are not harassed by delays in obtaining OCs for their homes. Authors: Bhushan Shah - Partner | Hasti Parekh - Associate
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The Government of Maharashtra acting through Law and Judiciary Department on 16 January 2024 notified an amendment to Section 1(2) of the Bombay City Civil Court Act, 1948 whereby pecuniary jurisdiction of the City Civil Court has been increased from Rs 1 crore to Rs 10 crore having effect from 28 January 2024. On 20 November 2023, the Governor of Maharashtra proposed to carry out the amendment to the Bombay City Civil Court Act, 1948 (“Act”) whereby it was proposed that the pecuniary jurisdiction of the City Civil Courts at Bombay to be increased from Rs 1 Crore to Rs 10 crores. On 16 January 2024, the Government of Maharashtra through its Law and Judiciary Department notified increase in pecuniary jurisdiction of the City Civil Courts at Bombay which shall be effective from 28 January 2024. The increase in the pecuniary jurisdiction of the City Civil Courts at Bombay will largely reduce the burden from the Bombay High Court. It would further reduce the backlog of the cases lying in the Bombay High Court and will largely assist the judiciary system for quick disposal of the cases. Additionally, all the cases filed before the Bombay High Court which are now below the pecuniary jurisdiction of Rs 10 crores will be transferred to City Civil Courts at Bombay. However, the transfer of cases will take substantial amount of time and for initial few months there is a high possibility of the pleadings being not available in the appropriate Court due to non-receipt of papers on time. Further, matters in which the trial has started would have to be now heard a fresh. It will also be pertinent to see whether the infrastructure of the City Civil Court would be able to cope up with such a huge influx of matters especially in terms of upkeeping the records, both electronically as well as physically. Additionally, such transfer of cases would only cause further chaos and would render delay in justice to the public at large. Authors: Bhushan Shah - Partner |  Aakash Mehta - Associate
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The Supreme Court of India ("Supreme Court") recently clarified its stance on the borrower’s right of redemption in Sanjay Sharma v. Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. The Supreme Court ruled that borrower’s right of redemption can only be exercised until the notice for the sale of the mortgaged property is published under Rule 9(1) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002. Prior to the 2016 amendment to the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 ("SARFAESI Act"), borrowers retained the right to redeem the property until its actual sale or transfer. However, post-amendment, this right is curtailed at the publication of the sale notice. Facts of the Case The brief facts of the case are that one Champa Bhen Kundia was the original owner of a property in Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi. The basement of the said property was also transferred multiple times vide unregistered documents and the said property was finally in possession of Raj Kumar Vij i.e., Respondent No.2.  In the meantime, Champa Bhen Kundia also secured a loan from Associated India Financial Services in the year 2001 who later assigned the loan to Kotak Mahindra Bank. Following a loan default, the bank initiated SARFAESI proceedings, culminating in a public auction in December 2010. The appellant, an auction purchaser, acquired the secured asset through a public auction conducted by Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited (“Respondent No. 1/Kotak”) under SARFAESI provisions. A sale certificate for the secured asset was issued to the appellant on 27 December 2010. However, Respondent No. 2, relying on an unregistered agreement to sell and other documents, contested the auction, claiming ownership of the property. Respondent No. 2 also invoked the right of redemption under Section 13(8) of the SARFAESI Act. After prolonged litigation across various forums, including the Debt Recovery Tribunal ("DRT") and the Hon'ble Delhi High Court, the matter reached the Supreme Court. Issue The primary question was whether Respondent No. 2, relying on unregistered documents, had the right to redeem the mortgaged property after the issuance of the sale certificate. Findings: Unregistered Documents The Supreme Court emphasized the requirements under Section 54 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (TP Act) to validate Respondent No. 2’s claim. According to the TP Act, the sale of tangible immovable property is valid only if executed through a registered instrument. The documents relied upon by Respondent No. 2, including an agreement to sell dated 23 April 2001, were unregistered. Therefore, unregistered sale deeds cannot convey or transfer ownership as required under Section 54 of the TP Act. The Supreme Court also observed that the neither the Respondent No. 1 nor the appellant (auction purchaser) were aware of sale of tangible immovable property. Moreover, Respondent No. 1 or Appellant could not have anticipated Respondent No. 2’s claim since the unregistered documents were not publicly available for the Respondent No. 1 and Appellant to conduct due diligence.  Right of Redemption under Section 13(8) of SARFAESI The Court clarified that, post the 2016 amendment, the borrower’s right of redemption is extinguished upon the publication of a public auction notice under Rule 9(1) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002. Previously, the redemption right extended until the completion of the sale or transfer. The Court also noted that Respondent No. 2 was given ample opportunity to redeem the mortgage but Respondent No. 2 failed to act on it. MHCO Comment This judgment reinforces the importance of registering sale deeds to secure legal ownership of immovable property. It underscores the strengthened legal framework for property transactions in India, safeguarding bona fide auction purchasers from potential misuse of redemption rights by borrowers or mortgagors. The ruling serves as a vital precedent, ensuring clarity and fairness in property dealings by auction sales.
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Background: The Supreme Court in Satendra Kumar Anil v. Central Bureau of Investigation has reiterated that notices under Section 41-A of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (“CrPC”), and Section 35 of the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023 (“BNSS”), cannot be served through WhatsApp or any other electronic messaging platforms. Facts: The Haryana Police Standing Order, issued on 26 January 2024, permitted police officers to serve notices under Section 41A of the CrPC or Section 35 of the BNSS through various means, including in person, WhatsApp, email, SMS, or other electronic communication. In accordance with this directive, the police authorities served a notice under the relevant provisions via WhatsApp to the accused. However, the accused failed to appear before the investigating officers, and no action was taken against the officers for their inaction in ensuring compliance. Issue for consideration: Whether the Service of Notice under Section 41-A of the CrPC and Section 35 of the BNSS is to be made in person, as contemplated under the statutes, and not through WhatsApp or other electronic modes. Held: The Hon'ble Court noted that investigative agencies and police frequently issue notices via WhatsApp, causing accused persons to miss appearances due to non-receipt or lack of acknowledgment. It also referred to Satender Kumar Antil v. CBI & Anr., (2022) 10 SCC 51, wherein the Hon'ble Court reaffirmed that electronic service is not valid under Section 41-A of CrPC or Section 35 of BNSS, 2023. It mandated strict adherence to legal methods such as personal delivery or registered post to ensure due process. The Hon'ble Court also issued the following directions to all states and directed them to file their compliance affidavits within a period of 4 weeks: All the States/UTs must issue a Standing Order to their respective Police machinery to issue notices under Section 41-A of CrPC, 1973/Section 35 of BNSS, 2023 only through the mode of service as prescribed under the CrPC, 1973/BNSS, 2023. It is made amply clear that the service of notice through WhatsApp or other electronic modes cannot be considered or recognized as an alternative or substitute to the mode of service recognized and prescribed under the CrPC, 1973/BNSS, 2023. All the States/UTs while issuing Standing Orders to their respective Police machinery relating to Section 41-A of CrPC, 1973/Section 35 of BNSS, 2023 must be issued strictly in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Delhi High Court in Rakesh Kumar v. Vijayanta Arya (DCP) & Ors., 2021 SCC Online Del 5629 and Amandeep Singh Johar v. State (NCT Delhi), 2018 SCC Online Del 13448, both of which were upheld by this Court in Satender Kumar Antil v. CBI & Anr. (2022) 10 SCC 51. All the States/UTs must issue an additional Standing Order to their respective Police machinery to issue notices under Section 160 of CrPC, 1973/Section 179 of BNSS, 2023 and Section 175 of CrPC, 1973/Section 195 of BNSS, 2023 to the accused persons or otherwise, only through the mode of service as prescribed under the CrPC, 1973/BNSS, 2023 MHCO Comment: Reaffirming the importance of procedural safeguards, the Supreme Court has categorically ruled out WhatsApp and similar platforms as valid methods for serving statutory notices. This decision aims to prevent wrongful arrests and ensure that accused persons receive proper legal communication through established channels, resulting in a reduction of unintentional non-compliance by the recipients of the notices.  
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Overview: A recent Circular dated 29 January 2025 issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) provides imperative clarifications regarding the association of persons regulated by SEBI, market infrastructure institutions (MIIs), and their agents with individuals or entities engaged in prohibited activities. This circular serves as a follow-up to the earlier circular dated 22 October 2024 (October Circular). Essentially, the present circular marks a significant regulatory shift aimed at curbing the activities of unregistered financial influencers, commonly referred to as "finfluencers". This directive prohibits the influencers from using live stock prices in their educational content, requiring them in the alternative, to refer to stock prices that are at least three months old. This change is expected to have profound implications for the finfluencer industry. Key highlights of the Circular: Regulatory Background: The circular references amendments to various regulations, including the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Intermediaries) Regulations, 2008, and others, which were published on August 29, 2024. These amendments restrict associations with individuals or entities that provide unregistered advice or make unpermitted claims regarding securities. Prohibited Activities: The regulations prohibit any direct or indirect association with persons who: a) Provide advice or recommendations related to securities without SEBI registration; b) Make claims regarding returns or performance related to securities without SEBI permission. Clarifications Provided: The circular includes an annexure containing certain frequently asked questions that clarify the following; a) Definitions of ‘persons regulated by the Board’ and ‘agents’ b) Responsibilities of regulated entities to ensure that associated individuals do not engage in prohibited activities c) The distinction between investor education and prohibited advisory roles. Compliance Requirements: Regulated entities must ensure compliance with these provisions and are advised to terminate existing contracts with individuals engaged in prohibited activities within three months from the October 2024 circular's issuance. This compliance is crucial for maintaining regulatory standards and protecting investor interests. Investor Education allowed with certain restrictions: While genuine investor education is still permitted, it must strictly adhere to the new guidelines. This includes avoiding any performance claims or investment recommendations unless the educator is a SEBI-registered entity. Consequences for violations: The circular outlines potential actions SEBI may take against violations, including penalties, suspension, or cancellation of registrations. It emphasizes the importance of adhering to these regulations to avoid severe repercussions. Expected Outcomes: Reduction in misleading practices: By closing this loophole, SEBI aims to reduce misleading investment claims that have proliferated in the finfluencers space, thereby enhancing investor protection and market integrity. Challenges for Social Media Influencers: Many influencers who relied on live market data for their content may find their business models unsustainable. The shift could lead to a significant restructuring within this sector as they adapt to the new regulations or face potential subscriber losses. Stringent Enforcement: SEBI's recent action is part of a larger initiative to strengthen compliance within the financial system. This could result in tougher measures against deceptive stock market content and promote the idea that investors should consult only registered professionals for advice. MHCO Comment: This circular ensures that finfluencers are restricted from selling stock tips on various social media platforms. This regulatory change represents a critical step in addressing the challenges posed by unregulated financial advice in India, aiming for a more transparent and safer investment environment for retail investors.
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Introduction The Supreme Court of India (“Court”) has recently underscored the importance of clearly stating the intent behind its judgments in a significant ruling involving Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (“MSMEs”). In the case of NBCC (India) Ltd. vs. The State of West Bengal & Ors., the Court clarified that not every judgment is intended to serve as a binding precedent under Article 141 of the Constitution. This ruling emphasizes the necessity for judgments to specify whether they are resolving a specific dispute between the parties or establishing a legal precedent. Background The SC's observations arose while addressing a dispute regarding whether unregistered MSMEs could avail themselves of dispute resolution mechanisms under Section 18 of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (MSMED Act). The appellant argued that unregistered MSMEs could not seek resolution under this section, relying on previous judgments to support their claim. However, the Court rejected this argument, noting that the precedents cited were decided on different issues and did not pertain to the matter at hand. The Court emphasized that its judgments serve dual functions: decision-making and precedent-making. It acknowledged that while many decisions may address specific disputes, they should not automatically be treated as binding precedents unless explicitly stated. This clarification aims to alleviate confusion faced by High Courts and subordinate courts in determining whether a judgment is meant for decision-making or as a binding authority. Implications for MSMEs The implications of this ruling are significant for MSMEs across India. By affirming their access to statutory remedies and clarifying their rights under the MSMED Act, the judgment promotes fair treatment in contractual disputes with larger entities. The Court's directive to clearly articulate the intent behind its rulings will also enhance legal certainty and consistency in future cases involving MSMEs. MHCO Comment: This Supreme Court judgment marks an important advancement in protecting MSME interests by clarifying their rights and ensuring equitable access to dispute resolution mechanisms. The Supreme Court's obiter dicta about their own judgments, which require them to now explicitly distinguish binding decisions from non-binding remarks, are significant because they could relieve the burden of the lower courts and change how Article 141 is currently interpreted.